Monday 11 November 2013

Whiteheads......... =(

Short story, 

I have whiteheads.

I used to have blackheads as well but recently my skin has improved with my new skin regime. The current product that I'm using daily are;

1) Nubian Heritage African black soap
2) Olay CelLucent white essence water (as toner)
3) Natural Republic Aloe Vera Gel (as moisturiser) 
4)Hada Labo Air BB cream 
5) Elianto Mineral Loose Powder Foundation

I read a few articles that whiteheads happen because our pores are clogged. So, anyone know from the skin product that I listed above, which of them seems the problem?


Thursday 31 October 2013

The Face Shop Aqua Drop Pack Review

My sister bought this to me. So I don't know the price.

I've been using this for over 3 months.

My sister really like this product but for me;

3/5 stars

It really works well as moisturiser. If you got terrible dry skin, use this. Even though it was written "Sleeping Mask" there, sometimes I use it as moisturiser, especially when travelling. When I'm travelling (usually by bus), my skin will be extremely dry because I will be in air conditioner place for more than 24 hours. But after I got this product, I will apply this before I got on the bus (in the morning) and my skin will be moisturised for the whole day. Seriously, I didn't even need to apply again during the afternoon or evening. Maybe my face looked extra shiny or oily in the bus but it is far better than dry skin at the end of the day!

Other than a good moisturiser, I don't see the other advantage of this product.

Nature Republic Aloe Vera Soothing Gel Review

YEAYYY!!!!!!!! EXO become Nature Republic's model XD



but that's not my point....

I bought this from Have been using this for about 4 months (still the same bottle, I haven't finished it yet).

Short story;

3/5 stars

Works fairly well as moisturiser. If my skin is too dry, this gel only wouldn't help me. But on daily usage, it is quite good. And it's 92% aloe vera, so I feel safe using it on all parts of my body (face and body). I use it everyday on my face before I go to work and apply on my body after shaving.

It was promoted to be multi-purpose. Like it can be lip balm, eye moisturiser, body lotion, face moisturiser and more. But I won't recommend this to be used on lips. For me, it taste terrible and doesn't moist well on lips. As eye moisturiser, just good enough rather than nothing. It means it can be used on eye area (no irritation) but it doesn't moist well.  

will I buy this product again?
Hmmmm......Maybe No.

OLAY celLucent white essence water Review

Bought it from for RM99 (I bought it before the less).... so expensive...

The product description;
Olay White Radiance Cellucent White Essence Water offers advanced whitening skin care products that penetrate to the bottom cell layers for bright luminous fairness. It is formulated with an exclusive Olay Whitening Active Complex consisting of Vitamin B3, Pro Vitamin B5, Vitamin E and Hesperidin. White Radiance whitens skin from deep within the epidermis and increase translucency by renewing skin’s outer layer and locks in moisture so that your fairness can glow through silky smooth surface. 

Quick & Easy

This essence water activates visible fairness in just 1 application: a breakthrough whitening formula that can be instantly absorbed into skin after cleansing, penetrating moisture into skin cells along with the powerful whitening actives (CelLucent™ Complex). It also helps to significantly lighten dark spots in 2 weeks and lighten skin tone in 8 weeks.

Well, the thing is.... it's NOT working for me.

I've been using it for 2 months now as the toner. My skin didn't become any fairer. At least not that I notice and no one even told me that I've become fairer. My dark spots are still there, my old scars are also there and my skin tone didn't improve.

To be fair, it might be because I'm applying too little. I've used it for 2 months but my 150ml bottle barely reduced to 3/4. Okay, I'll be using more later and update the result ^^


p/s: but it makes a good toner. I mean it doesn't dry my skin off.

Nubian Heritage African Black Soap Review


So, I've been looking a face cleanser for my acne prone face. 

I found about this soap from another product's review. You see, at first I was interested in the Rice Soap Thailand. I looked for the reviews but they were not very good and then, someone mentioned Nubian Heritage papaya and coconut soap. So, I googled about the soap and in the review, people were praising this African Black soap. After a bit of thinking, I deided to purchase this soap. I got this soap from Natta Cosme, together with Tokyo Love Soap. The price is RM22.90.

*I don't have credit card, so I have to purchase from online shop that allows internet banking or money transfer.

First thing of all, it's very BIG. I think it's bigger than the normal hand soap that we use. As you can see in the second picture it is almost as big as my palm, so it was going to be difficult for me to lather it. So, I cut a small piece of it and save the rest. 

The smell is very nice. It doesn't last long but it is pleasant enough. 

Just like Tokyo Love Soap, today is only my 8th day of using it. I can't really sure of the effect yet. Yes, my pimples and acnes have reduced but it might be not because of the soap. Coincidently, I received the soap after my breakout (which usually 1 or 2 weeks before my period until my period came). It could be because my hormones are stable now. 

But sorry to say that this product is not a miracle. I still grow a few small acnes while using it. 

I'm still not sure about this product but I have some hope on it. I will update again after 1 or 2 moths.


Tokyo Love Soap Pure Girl Review

So, I've read a lot of reviews on this soap and all of them were very happy with this product.

Well, I'm NOT.

I purchased it online from Natta Cosme with RM85.

.... It's really expensive. Received the items in 4 days.

Today is my 8th day of using the soap.

This product promised many things but for me, they are all empty promises (It MIGHT or MIGHT NOT worked, but this a review form my point of view)

1) Eliminates Odor (I don't usually smell, so didn't notice this)
2)Leaves skin fragrance (Yes, it does have the floral smell. But it's very weak that I have to sniff my skin to smell it and no, it doesn't stay for 2 hours. It barely stays over half an hour for me.)
3)Moisturise and tighten the skin (NO. Other reviewers said their skin became very soft right after using the soap but for me, it doesn't feel that soft or moisturise. And if I shaved and I used the soap, my skin become very itchy that I have to apply moisturise after the shower.)
4) Removes pigmentation, improve skin elasticity fo a matte and rosy skin. ( So far, NOPE. Nothing changes on my skin)

*other functions basically the same thing (moisture to delay age, lock moisture, kill bacteria, help rebuild cell etc.), so not gonna mention them again.

So far, I'm very disappointed with this soap. It's very expensive but it works just like any ordinary soap (the smell even a lot weaker than cheap soap). I really can't believe this is the soap that everyone was crazy about. I read a few reviews that show the absolute whitening effect in just a few washes (some of them in 1 wash ONLY!). I wish they weren't lying or paid to write the review. Maybe my skin is just too stubborn.

The conclusion is, a product works differently on different person and do not put too high of hope on a popular product. 

I still have 2/3 of my soap and since it's very expensive, I'm gonna use it till the end. Hopefully the result will come later.

*not gonna write the star because I wouldn't give any. Don't worry, if the soap works on me later, I will update this.

p/s: I read some articles on fake Tokyo Love Soap but then there was a statement said that there is no fake Tokyo Love Soap and the packaging might differ according to the factory. I really hope I didn't get the fake one >.<



I haven't been writing here for awhile now. Frankly speaking, I'm not really fond of blogs and my original intention of writing this blog is to review products.

 Well, I've read a lot of blogs reviewing products- especially beauty products but to my surprise and doubt, a lot of them are always satisfied with the products that they are reviewing. 

I don't know about you guys but I always find product reviews in internet before I purchase beauty products, especially expensive ones. I've chosen good rating products each time, but each time I was disappointed. So, it makes me thinking; what's happening here?

Why the products works wonder to the others but when I'm using it, nothing happens?

After so much thinking, I've come out with a few conclusions;

1) My skin is out of the ordinary... like nothing would works on my skin but plastic surgery. 
2) the other reviewers only review items that they like. They wouldn't review the product if they don't like it. So, no bad reviews.
3) I eat too freely. They said what we eat would effect our skin's condition as well. But oily and junk food are my favourite food =(
4) I didn't apply the product correctly. Maybe I'm supposed to heat up the cream before I paste it on my face, who knows? 

even I think the conclusions might be the real problem are, I believe many others share these problems like me. But people like us are costumers as well and we want to be beautiful too!

Thus, I don't think they (the conclusions) can stop me from complaining. 

So, I'm gonna complain all the way that I want until I meet my true love.... err.... I mean the best product for me...

my beautiful kitten

I'll stop here to go and write my review marathon. I've 5 items to be reviewed now (might add more).

Monday 6 May 2013

Fabula CollagenMax Fat-burning + Fabula CollagenMax Bright HA

They are beauty drinks/ supplements (I bet you can guess on the word "collagen").

I bought them from (again). The deal was RM198 for 12 bottles of Fabula CollagenMax Fat-burning and 12 bottles of Fabula CollagenMax Bright HA (instead of RM317).

It's either Japan's or Taiwan's product (but I believe it's Japan's because it has Japanese writings on it. I know I'm simple minded.)

not gonna describe about it long.

FCM (Fabula CollagenMax) Fat-burning is for fat-burning (lol). It will reduce your appetite, burns fats and prevent the food that you take to be turned into fats. It also contains 9,000MG Japan Collagen Peptide per bottle.

 FCM Bright HA is to for your skin. It will improve your skin and brighten up the skin tone.
It contains 10, 000MG Collagen Peptide and Berry Essense.

Both of this product have the same instruction. Take 1 bottle every 3 days or half a bottle for 2 days. Take it when your tummy is empty (best time is early in the morning before you take breakfast).


Fabula CollagenMax  Fat-burning

Fabula CollagenMx Bright HA

FCM Bright HA

FCM Fat-burning

the size

The Ingredients

FCM Fat-burning: Fish Collagen Peptide, Sugar, Garnicia Cambogia Extract,
Vitamin C, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Niacin, Vitamin E, Pantothenate, Pyridoxine,
Riboflavin, Vitamin B12,and Peach Flavour   

FMC Bright HA: Fish Collagen Peptide, Sugar, Mixed Berries,  Vitamin C, Citric Acid,
Plant Hyaluronic Acid,  Potassium Sorbate, Niacin, Vitamin E, Pantothenate, Pyridoxine,
Riboflavin, Vitamin B12 and Peach flavour 

The ingredients are quite similar.

Early Review

First of all, I am a inconsistent person. I really hate to take some thing according to schedule (once for every 3 days) but I will try my best to follow it. I decided to take them in turns. Like I drink a bottle of FCM Bright HA today, so after three days, I will next take FCM Fat- Burning and after another three days back to Bright HA and go on. It's because both of them have many collagen and I'm sure if there's any side effect of over collagen, but just to be save ^^.

Second, I just tried FCM Bright HA and it tastes suck. It smell like medicine that you got from hospital but it taste a little bit better than that. A bit sour (maybe from the berry essence). I'm not sure if I will keep taking this product (because of the taste) but I hope I can because it costs me a lot. And I really hope FCM Fat-burning taste like this one or a bit better. Please don't be more suckier (it doesn't has berry essence).

As the proof of how it works, this is my today's picture (unedited and bare faced). This is going to be my before picture. I'll update after picture in a week or so.

oh, and I'm currently 46kg (for FCM Fat-burning's review)

Edit : 10th May

Consumed the first FCM Fat-burning.
It tastes the same like FCM Bright HA (thank God). But no, my appetite is not reducing at all. So far, have't felt or notice any effect yet.

Edit 25th May

Consumed 3 FCM Fat-burning + 3 Bright HA
Apparently, FCM Fat-burning does not reduce appetite but it helps you feeling full or not hungry for a long time. On the day I consumed it, I took breakfast but it was a busy day that I wasn't able to get any lunch. To my surprise, I wasn't hungry or tired at all. So, I think this product would be amazing during Ramadhan month (hehe).
But I think it will not be that effective for me to reduce weight because I'm someone who eats because I want to, not because I'm hungry.

About FCM Bright HA, I still don't notice the effect.

I do notice my face is a bit better than few weeks ago but it can be 1) few weeks ago was my hormones day (you know, those times when your face just suddenly went mad) and 2) I'm applying green tea scrub (which I learnt from bubzbeauty) once a week.

Edit 30th August 2013

I've consumed all FCM Bright HA and almost done with FCM Fat-Burning but unfortunately, I don't feel any changes. Basically, it's not working. But it could be because of the way I consumed them. I'm not a very consistent person. So, I skipped many days in between and I stopped for a month during fasting month (but at that time, I've finished FCM Bright HA).

So the conclusion is, 
I'm NOT buying this again. 

Monday 29 April 2013

Buying Personalized Bracelet from


I subscribed to where there are many promotion for various items are posted there. And one day, there was this promotion that read;

[Up to 68% Off] Personalised Pendant Necklace. Choose 1 (RM58) / 2 (RM110) / 4 (RM200) Units. From RM50 per unit. Free Nationwide Delivery. Limited Groupons

and since I've never had any personalized jewellery before, I decided to buy the deal (Of course, I only buy one item)
So, I paid RM58 for the coupon and went to the provider website to make my jewellery; There are a few steps that we had to complete to create our own personalized item.

Firstly, before you do anything, you have to register yourself first. Fill in your particulars and Sign Up. Don't worry, it's free. Only when you have got your account, you can proceed to the fist step.

Step 1: Choose Your Product

I picked bracelet which has the same price as necklace and keychain (RM158<--- this is the basic price).

Step 2: Design Your Pendant

The designing part was very exiting because there were many cute icons that we can pick to create our own design. After so much effort, this was my design.

I might not be awesome of stunning one but I'm satisfied with it ^^
Why did I put "Adore" instead of my name or other meaningful words?
First, I don't want to reveal my name to everyone (especially strangers) and other words that I have in mind were very cheesy (words like "Love", "Life", "Angel", "Believe") and lastly, I really want to "Adore". Whether others adore me, or it's me who adore someone..... Okay, that's cheesy too.

Step 3: Choose Your Material

and I chose the most expensive one; Premium Gold Rose (RM25). It means you have to add another RM25 to your basic price (RM158 in my case). If you don't want to add any, pick Pure Titanium.

Step 4: Choose your pendant size (width of the designed plate)  

I picked medium (3.5 cm)

Step 5: Chain selection

Again, I picked up the most expensive one; Type B (RM30). Like the material, the price will be added to your basic price.

There are a few other steps (Additional service, Purchase with purchase and Charms selection for keychain) but they are optional and I skipped them.

Lastly, click the pink Submit Design on the right bottom of the page.
Fill your Discount code (if you have any). There will be the total amount that you have to pay.
For me I only had to pay RM55 because my Discount Code (which I had paid RM58 for it) covered the basic price (RM158). So. overall, I paid RM 118 (RM58+RM55) for my personalized bracelet.

Wait for the confirmation email from them before you make the payment.

After you have received an email from them, stating how much you have to pay and into which bank account, make the payment and to be safe, alert them of your payment preferably by email as well.

Then, wait for your jewellery to reach your door.

-------------------------------------------review starts------------------------------------------------

I've just received my bracelet today!

       ............and I want to cry

the packaging

back of the packaging

the merchandise... =(

the miscellaneous; warranty card, discount card and polishing cloth 

I'm not happy with the product at all. 

The crafting was terrible.
look at the letter A

between "o" and "r"

on the both wings

it's just messy. It doesn't look like it's done by professional.
and the size;

overall length is about 16cm
I know I ordered medium size (3.5 cm plate) but can't they make the chain a bit longer? 
I'm 45 kg (but I'm short) and the bracelet barely reach my wrist but it is very hard to wear because of the clasp. 

and I paid RM 118 for this............ T____T

The service was good, they reply all of my emails but I'm not satisfied with their product at all and it is what matters the most.

So. overall,

LA'ZENDA Personalized Jewellery: 1/5 STARS

will never buy it again.

Saturday 27 April 2013

My Beauty Diary: Strawberry Yogurt Cleanser (Review)

I bought this product from Guardian Store at Giant (behind Mydin Mall).

Yes, I'm a sucker for cute packaging. It's the main reason of the purchase.
for the product review; I give this


I don't really like this product except for its cute packaging (I still keep the tub even though I've used all of the cleanser) and the sweet strawberry smell.

It contains some small tiny bits for deeper cleaning purposes but I heard it isn't really good for our skin. My face felt really soft and smell strawberry right after I used it, however after some times, my skin will starts to dry. Toner alone can't fix it that I had to apply moisturiser everytime I used this cleanser.

will I buy this product again?

My Beauty Diary: Chamomile & White Lily Concentrate (Review)

it comes with a small spatula
the packaging
*sorry, I stole these pictures from somewhere else. I'm too lazy to upload mine.

So, I've used this product (I've finished it even).

I won't explain too long about this product because I think you can get the description from online shops. 

Anyway, I give this product: 4/5 STARS 

This product is great to be used as moisturiser. I usually apply it after I apply lotion. I used it everyday and it last one whole day if I don't wash it off (which I usually have to, because need to solat).

However, as a sleep concentrate.... not very recommended. I think it depends on your skin as well.
If you applied acne treatment on your face at night which probably will leave your skin dry, this concentrate is great to soothe your skin and make it soft again on the next morning.

However, if you're generally has oily face, or you just ate heavy dinner which will lead to your face bloats when you sleep, DON'T apply this product. If not, you might get acne on the next morning (which happened to me and my sister )

will I buy this product again?
No, because I want to try other product but if I want to make safe choice, Yes, I will just buy this product.


Thursday 25 April 2013

Mahu Kulit Cerah & Gebu?

well, I think it's every woman's dream to have beautiful skin.

                                                                                            and of course, it's mine too.

I have quite bad skin. I won't say it's terrible because I've seen worse so I should be thankful of what I have. But my skin's problems are that I keep on getting acnes (even though I've long passed my teenage period), dull skin, slightly wide pores, dry & peeled skin and a lot of acne scars (damn you, acnes).

I've never found any skin product that is 100% suitable to me. So I keep on changing products but I try to keep it in my budget range. Being low salaried employee, I haven't tried any expensive brand (no face shop, no SKII, no Food for SKIN) except Clinique but it wasn't suitable for my skin. Right now I'm using Neutrogena Foam facial wash, HadaLabo skin lotion, Loreal's ice moisturiser and IZHime BB cream. They are fairly good to my skin but not too great (except IZHime BB cream. I really love this product).

What I want to talk about today is not facial product actually, but Supplement Products.

.............You know, collagen drinks and stuff.

Recently, a product has intrigued me. It is AURA WHITE.

It has been promoted widely that the adds keep on appearing on my screen whenever I surf internet (mostly in facebook). Added with a lot of positive testimonies, half of my heart wants to buy it right away.
But what keeps me from buying it?  

Firstly, because it is made in Malaysia (even the name is very Malay-ish).
Not that I'm prejudice on my own country (maybe a tiny little bit) but let's face it, Malaysia is not a country with the best technology in cosmetic or skin care. None of our cosmetic or skin care products ever hit the international market (correct me if I'm wrong). So, this product being so good makes me feel suspicious.

Besides that, I believe this product has been launched just recently because I've never heard of it last year. Even though the testimony are very convincing but none of them had used it for a long time. I worry about the long term effect. Lastly, it's because of the testimony. Yes, all of them are positive review with convincing before-and-after pictures. All of them look very fair in the after picture where some of them look scarily fair.

Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not trying to put down this product (My close friend is using it and I might be using it too if I see positive result in her). I'm just trying to write down what I feel about this product.

This is merely a view from a non-user.

Discolored/ Over Pigmented Lips

I'm not sure if any of you are facing this problem but I am, and it bothers me a lot.

Do you know that healthy lips suppose to be pink or reddish in color? NOT purple, brown, grey or black.

I didn't know, until I googled.

What is pigmented lips?
Pigmentation is generally, skin darkening or lightening. The lips suffer from Melasma in particular. Melasma is generally prevalent and seen with the Asian skin types. It gives grey, brown and even black spots over the body, and black and grey lips, is something which needs urgent treatment and care. Lip pigmentation can be genetic too.

I started to realize something is wrong with my lips when I was experimenting with lipstick (I was trying to do  gradient lips likes in Korean dramas). This ---->

yes, I watched her video ^^

As you can see, it needs us to apply paler color at the outside part of out lips and bright red or bright orange on the inside. I tried with a few of my lipsticks even though they are cheap and not the right color at all (pathetic me). Of course it didn't work but then I realized something was off because the lipstick couldn't even layered my lips properly. It is because my lips is too dark and what's more, it's even gradient.... lol.

I mean my lips has darker shade on the outside part of the lips and also on the upper lips and paler color on the inside. It's like contradict to what I want to achieve. Moreover, the two colors don't even blend together. It's like I have a thick dark line on my lips and it's not pretty.

And later I found out that my lips is partly pigmented...... *sigh*

What are the Causes of Pigmented Lips?

from what I've read, there are a few reasons
1) lips' cell reaction when it is touched by saliva. So, it could be that you drool while sleeping (is that you? haha) or you like to lick/ bite your lips.

2)Dehydration. Your body doesn't receive enough water.

3) Genetic. But I believe this can be treated as well.

4) Smoking. If you smoke, you deserve to get unhealthy lips color :P

5) Consume too much caffeine and tea. So reduce drinking coffee and tea.

What are the Solutions

some that I know (any of this)

1) smear rose oil or crushed rose petals on your lips before you sleep every night.
2) drink a lot of water ( I don't think this is very helpful)
3) rub coconut oil on your lips twice a day (a testimony said it works well but I haven't tried it yet)
4) Apply lips balm on your lips frequently (esp. the one contains shea butter) and avoid licking your lips (it only make your lips become dryer)
5) smear toothpaste on your lips for a few minutes before rinsing it (WARNING! I've tried it with my Darlie toothpaste and it STINGS A LOT. and my lips looked swollen for a night)
6) Brush your lips as well when you brush your teeth.

The last solution is the one I'm following right now. But I usually brush my lips after I brush my teeth because I feel disgust to use my tooth brush that I've used to clean my teeth to brush my lips. So usually when I'm done brushing my teeth (rinsed my mouth and washed my tooth brush), I place a little bit toothpaste (because it will sting) on the brush and start brushing my lips. They said it can improve your lips blood circulation.

Have been doing it for less than a week but I think I've seen some improvement (don't know if I'm delusional)

I'll try to update about my lips later. If it's going well, I might upload the result picture. LOL.
Chow ^^

Yes, I'm delusional. Brushing your lips with toothpaste will make your lips become VERY dry. My lips feel like they are stretching impossibly and the skin around your lips will be dry too and they will start to turn into darker color!
So, I suggest to brush your lips without any toothpaste (I'll try this and update the result later ).

Edit (10th May)
I still brush my lips religiously everyday, apply lip balm more frequently and try applying coconut oil every night, but so far, none of them works.


Edit (25th May)
I doubt genetically pigmented lips (like mine) can be treated... TT____TT

Edit (31st Oct)
My lips is still pigmented like before. But I've found a lip balm that I like. Even though it didn't make my lips all pink but I notice the color lightened a bit. Not sure if it's plumper, but the wrinkles reduced considerably and it moist my lips for all day so I don't have chapped lips anymore. The lip balm that I'm talking about is Maxilip.

The best thing about this product for me is it doesn't have any weird taste. So, you will not taste anything funny on your tongue after applying it. 

Ayo Wassap! IT'S MY NEW BLOG!!!.............................. it's free so please don't complain.

Nothing much to say. I'm not an active blogger (i don't even have any friend here) but nevermind, I feel like writing today. So, here I am; W R I T I N G

Update on my profile a bit
I'm a woman, an ADULT, live in Terengganu, and currently an English teacher ( I just started working).
Likes K-Pop, kittens, seafood, origamis, arts (certain only), writing (but I'm a lazy one)

and sleeping.

I think that's all about me that you should know.
Hokay, Bye ^^

let me treat you an ice-cream for reading this. lol