Thursday 25 April 2013

Discolored/ Over Pigmented Lips

I'm not sure if any of you are facing this problem but I am, and it bothers me a lot.

Do you know that healthy lips suppose to be pink or reddish in color? NOT purple, brown, grey or black.

I didn't know, until I googled.

What is pigmented lips?
Pigmentation is generally, skin darkening or lightening. The lips suffer from Melasma in particular. Melasma is generally prevalent and seen with the Asian skin types. It gives grey, brown and even black spots over the body, and black and grey lips, is something which needs urgent treatment and care. Lip pigmentation can be genetic too.

I started to realize something is wrong with my lips when I was experimenting with lipstick (I was trying to do  gradient lips likes in Korean dramas). This ---->

yes, I watched her video ^^

As you can see, it needs us to apply paler color at the outside part of out lips and bright red or bright orange on the inside. I tried with a few of my lipsticks even though they are cheap and not the right color at all (pathetic me). Of course it didn't work but then I realized something was off because the lipstick couldn't even layered my lips properly. It is because my lips is too dark and what's more, it's even gradient.... lol.

I mean my lips has darker shade on the outside part of the lips and also on the upper lips and paler color on the inside. It's like contradict to what I want to achieve. Moreover, the two colors don't even blend together. It's like I have a thick dark line on my lips and it's not pretty.

And later I found out that my lips is partly pigmented...... *sigh*

What are the Causes of Pigmented Lips?

from what I've read, there are a few reasons
1) lips' cell reaction when it is touched by saliva. So, it could be that you drool while sleeping (is that you? haha) or you like to lick/ bite your lips.

2)Dehydration. Your body doesn't receive enough water.

3) Genetic. But I believe this can be treated as well.

4) Smoking. If you smoke, you deserve to get unhealthy lips color :P

5) Consume too much caffeine and tea. So reduce drinking coffee and tea.

What are the Solutions

some that I know (any of this)

1) smear rose oil or crushed rose petals on your lips before you sleep every night.
2) drink a lot of water ( I don't think this is very helpful)
3) rub coconut oil on your lips twice a day (a testimony said it works well but I haven't tried it yet)
4) Apply lips balm on your lips frequently (esp. the one contains shea butter) and avoid licking your lips (it only make your lips become dryer)
5) smear toothpaste on your lips for a few minutes before rinsing it (WARNING! I've tried it with my Darlie toothpaste and it STINGS A LOT. and my lips looked swollen for a night)
6) Brush your lips as well when you brush your teeth.

The last solution is the one I'm following right now. But I usually brush my lips after I brush my teeth because I feel disgust to use my tooth brush that I've used to clean my teeth to brush my lips. So usually when I'm done brushing my teeth (rinsed my mouth and washed my tooth brush), I place a little bit toothpaste (because it will sting) on the brush and start brushing my lips. They said it can improve your lips blood circulation.

Have been doing it for less than a week but I think I've seen some improvement (don't know if I'm delusional)

I'll try to update about my lips later. If it's going well, I might upload the result picture. LOL.
Chow ^^

Yes, I'm delusional. Brushing your lips with toothpaste will make your lips become VERY dry. My lips feel like they are stretching impossibly and the skin around your lips will be dry too and they will start to turn into darker color!
So, I suggest to brush your lips without any toothpaste (I'll try this and update the result later ).

Edit (10th May)
I still brush my lips religiously everyday, apply lip balm more frequently and try applying coconut oil every night, but so far, none of them works.


Edit (25th May)
I doubt genetically pigmented lips (like mine) can be treated... TT____TT

Edit (31st Oct)
My lips is still pigmented like before. But I've found a lip balm that I like. Even though it didn't make my lips all pink but I notice the color lightened a bit. Not sure if it's plumper, but the wrinkles reduced considerably and it moist my lips for all day so I don't have chapped lips anymore. The lip balm that I'm talking about is Maxilip.

The best thing about this product for me is it doesn't have any weird taste. So, you will not taste anything funny on your tongue after applying it. 

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